"Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal."
Edward O. Wilson.

dissabte, 20 de novembre del 2010

350 eARTh.

Avui ha comencat la nova actuació del moviment 350, s'anomena eARTh. S'han triat varis llocs del mon en perill greu mediambiental pel canvi climàtic com és el Delta del Ebre on d'han fet uns gran projectes visuals d'art i s'han fotografiat desde l'aire aqui teniu el reportatge extret de la web del 350; www.350.org.

350 eARTh has begun!
World, get ready. 350 eARTh has officially begun, and it's more beautiful than we could have imagined already...

Credit: Foto-aeria.net for Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada

Citizens from the Delta del Ebro area in Catalunya, Spain joined renowned urban-artist Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada to form a giant representation of the face of a young girl who wishes to see the Delta survive the threat of climate change. The art is one of several major public art installations in over a dozen locations across the planet that will be photographed by satellites 400 miles above the Earth’s surface starting today and through November 27 as part of a planetary scale art project, 350 EARTH: http://earth.350.org.

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